Russian Vygotsky Summer School 2009 “Total Immersion in the Golden Key School Methodology
2009俄羅斯特別學習旅遊行程: 2009維高斯基夏令營 (核心行程2009年6月19-26日+前後自費旅遊延伸)
維高斯基(1896-1934)是俄羅斯兒童發展、幼教、特教、心理學、思想和言語、語言和文化相關領域大師,本夏令營由其孫女莫斯科國立人文大學РГГУ (Российский Государственный Гуманитарный университет)維高斯基心理研究所(The L.S.Vygotsky Psychology Institute)主任Prof. Dr. Elena Kravtsova帶領其教學研究團隊進行教學參觀等活動。本團重點在自助教學參訪,不在豪華的旅遊享受,前後旅遊延伸,可另商議規劃。
台灣地區組團籌備服務 (是否成團視情況而定),詳情聯絡
e-mail: (來信請簡述個人背景和興趣: 教師、家長、學生、學會工作人員等)
Russian Vygotsky Summer School 2009
“Total Immersion in the
Place: Belaya
Director, Prof. Dr. Elena Kravtsova (granddaughter of L. S. Vygotsky)
June 19 – 26, 2009
Prof. Dr. Elena Kravtsova, Director
Phone: International number + 7 (495) 250 6147
Fax; International number + 7 (495) 973 4434
International Directors:
Dorothy Robbins at
+ Elina Lampert Shepel at
You are invited to participate in the 2009 Vygotsky Summer School, to take place in Belaya Kalytva,
Dates: June 19 – 26, 2009.
Place: Belaya
Travelling Information: Participants will have two options to reach Belaya Kalytva,
Arrive in
The other alternative is the following: Fly to Rostov-on-Don (or simply
You will be responsible for the cost of the transfer from
The detailed information will be provided. We are hoping that a small group of international and Russian participants will be willing to embark on a real adventure, knowing that we will not have all of the comforts of home. And, yet, the rewards can be tremendous in terms of understanding how Vygotskian methodology is practiced in education in
Price: (with no exceptions):
Regular registration fee: $200
Student registration fee (for students under 30): $100
IVS member fee: $150
The registration fee will include printed materials, workshops, all lunches, tours around Belaya Kalytva, welcoming party, and a banquet, and bus transfers from the hotel to the Golden Key school each day.
You will be responsible for: your visa application, flight to/from
Certificate: If you are engaged in the entire course, you will receive a certificate of participation, which will be personally signed by the daughter of L. S. Vygotsky, Gita L’vovna Vygodskya.
Deadlines: In order for the Vygotsky Summer School 2009 to take place, we will need to have your registration form, and flight information [scanned and e-mailed], by May 15, 2009. There must be at least 15 participants, with plane tickets purchased for the Summer School to take place. Once we hear from you, you will be sent an application form. And, once we receive that form, together with a scanned copy of your airline ticket, we will begin working with you individually. Remember that you will need around one month for the Russian visa process.
However, if we do not reach this number of participants, please know that you can attend the seminar in Belaya Kalytva on your own.
Information: Please send out this flyer to as many colleagues/students/staff/all, as soon as possible. We will be happy to send you more detailed information once we hear from you. And, if you decide to participate in the 2009 Summer School, please know that you will receive step-by-step information on how to obtain a visa, travel information, information on how to rent an apartment in Moscow, etc. And, if you arrive in
The student advisor will speak English, and hopefully you will be able to make a financial offering to that student after all services are rendered. And, please do not come to
We will be happy to send you the registration form as soon as we hear from you. Once we receive verification of a paid plane ticket (scanned and e-mailed), we will begin working with you individually. The registration fee will be paid once you are in
We look forward to welcoming you in
With good wishes,
Prof. Dr. Elena Kravtsova, Director
Phone: International number + 7 (495) 250 6147
Fax; International number + 7 (495) 973 4434
International Directors:
Dorothy Robbins at
+ Elina Lampert Shepel at