четверг, 26 февраля 2009 г.

Activity Theory

Activity Theory


Martin Ryder University of Colorado at Denver School of Education

Topics of Interest


What is Activity Theory?


Activity Theory (Wikipedia)

The Mind, Culture, and Activity Homepage (Peggy Bengel)

XMCA On-Line Discussions

Laboratory of Human Cognition (UCSD)

Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research (Yrjö Engeström)

Vygotsky (1896-1934)

Lev Vygotsky Archive (Marxists.org)

Holzman The Influence of Vygotsky and Wittgenstein

Kerr (1997) Why Vygotsky? The Role of Theoretical Psychology in Russian Education Reform

Worthen (2000) Studying the workplace: considering the usefulness of activity theory

Vygotsky and Cognitive Science

Vygotsky and Semiotics

Vygotsky and Socio_Cultural Theory

Alexander Luria (1902-1977)

Luria profile (Columbia Encyclopedia)

Luria profile (Wikipedia)

Luria profile (Marxists.org)

Luria profile (Douglas Bowden)

Luria Biography (Michael Cole)

Alexander Luria Web (Michael Cole)

Cognitive Development Its Cultural and Social Foundations: The Problem (1974) (Courtesy, Nate Schmolze)

Alexander Luria Archive (Marxists.org)

Alexander Romanovich Luria web (Michael Cole)

Cole (1997) Alexander Luria, Cultural Psychology and The Resolution of the Crisis in Psychology

Luria and Bruner The Mind of a Mnemonist (Book announcement)

Alexei Leont'ev (1904-1979)

Leont'ev Biography (Marxists.org)

Activity, Consciousness, and Personality (1978) (Mind, Culture, and Activity)

Psychology and the Language Learning Process (1981) Ch. 3: Speech and communication pdf

Ballantyne Leontiev's Activity Theory Approach to Psychology: Activity as the "molar unit of life" and his "levels of psyche"

Lektorsky (1991) Activity : The Theory, Methodology and Problems (review by Birger Hjørland)

Evald Ilyenkov (1924-1979)

Ilyenkov Archive(Marxists.org)


Photos of Ilyenkov


Dialectics of the Abstract & the Concrete in Marx.s Capital (1960)

Dialectics of Abstract & Concrete, 1960

Dialectical Logic, 1974

Activity and Knowledge, 1974

From the Marxist-Leninist Point of View, 1974

The Universal, 1974

Humanism and Science

Concept of the Ideal, 1977

Leninist Dialectics & Metaphysics of Positivism, 1979


Paul Ballantyne

Liam Bannon

Barab, Hay, and Yamagata-Lynch (2001) Constructing Networks of Action-Relevant Episodes: An In Situ Research Methodology pdf

Birchall and Rada Design of systems for learning and working in librarianship.

Brown and Cole Cultural Historical Activity Theory and the Expansion of Opportunities For Learning After School

Dunne (1995) Activity Theory (This article traces the rationale for activity theory from an historical backdrop of constructivist thought from Piaget to Vygotsky to Leont'ev.)

Yrjö Engeström

Engeström home page (Univ of Helsinki)

Engestrom interview (recorded in January, 2002 at Lancaster University, UK)

Cultural-Historical Activity Theory

Activity theory as a framework for analyzing and redesigning work (2000) pdf

Engeström and Middleton (1996) Cognition and Communication at Work

Learning by Expanding: An Activity - Theoretical Approach to Developmental Research (MCA - courtesy Lawrence Erlbaum)

Engestrom Learning by Expanding: Ten Years After

Fjeld, Lauche, Bichsel, Voorhorst, Krueger and Rauterberg (2002) Physical and Virtual Tools: Activity Theory Applied to the Design of Groupware.

Hasu (2001) Critical transition from developers to users: Activity-Theoretical Studies of Interaction and Learning in the Innovation Process

Peter Jones

The Embodied Mind: Contrasting Visions (2000)

Kaptelinin and Nardi Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design

Kärkkäinen Theoretical Framework of the Study: Cultural Historical Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research

Rajkumar Activity Theory

Lee and Roth (2004) Making a Scientist: Discursive "Doing" of Identity and Self-Presentation During Research Interviews

Jay Lemke

Lemke home page

Across the Scales of Time: Artifacts, Activities, and Meanings in Ecosocial Systems (1998)

Miettinen (1997) Activity Theory and Actor Network Theory

Newman and Holzman Practice - Vygotsky's tool-and-result methodology and psychology

Bonnie Nardi

Context and Consciousness (1996)

Book announcement (MIT Press)

Relationships: rules, roles, users, outcomes (John December)

Nardi, Whittaker, and Schwarz (2000) It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know: Work in the Information Age (First Monday May, 2000)

Bonnie's Blog

Blogging as a social activity ... ( notes courtesy Christopher Sessums)

Agency and Culture (2000)

What Is Psychology of Liberation? It is Cultural Psychology (2002)

Rizzo (2001) Activity Centred Professional Development and Teachers' Take-up of ICT pdf

Roth (2003) Toward an Anthropology of Graphing: Semiotic and Activity-Theoretic Perspectives

book announcement

Ryder (1999) Spinning Webs of Significance: considering anonymous communities in activity systems

Smagorinsky (2000) If Meaning is Constructed, What's It Made of?

Tolman (2004) The Basic Vocabulary of Activity Theory

Turner, Turner, and Horton (1999) Towards an activity-based approach to requirements definition

C. Wasson (2001) Notes on Activity Theory

See also...

Socio-Cultural Theory

Actor-Network Theory

Computer Supported Cooperative Work

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