L[EV]. S[EMENOVICH]. VYGOTSKY (1896 - 1934)
PhilWeb: Theoretical Resources Off- and Online (edited by Richard L. W. Clarke)
International L. S. Vygotsky Society
Международное общество Л.С.Выготского
2009 X Международные чтения памяти Л.С. Выготского «Камень, который презрели строители: культурно-историческая теория и социальные практики». 17 – 19 ноября 2009 года, Москва
10th Annual Lev Vygotsky Memorial Conference "The Stone Disdained by Constructors"
2008 IХ Международные чтения памяти Л.С.Выготского "Методология и методы психологического исследования" (культурно-исторический аспект)
2007 VIII Международные чтения памяти Л.С. Выготского "Игра в неклассичкской психологий" 15-17 ноября 2007 г.
2006 VII Международные чтения памяти Л.С.Выготского - РГГУ.РУ, ИНСТИТУТ ПСИХОЛОГИИ ИМ. Л.С. ВЫГОТСКОГО, ФОНД ВЫГОТСКОГО Л.С., «Перспективы развития культурно-исторической теории» (к 110-летию со дня рождения Л.С. Выготского) Чтения состоятся 14-17 ноября 2006 года
2006 “Cultural–Historical Theory: Prospects of Development”, 7th International L. S. Vygotsky Memorial Conference, International L. S. Vygotsky Society, L. S. Vygotsky Institute of Psychology, Russian State University for the Humanities, November 14-17, 2006
2005 6-е Международные Чтения памяти Л.С. Выготского - РГГУ.РУ
2005 15-17th of November 2005 the VI International Readings / Conference in memory of L. S. Vygotsky: Cultural-Historical Psychology on a joint of two centuries. Results and perspectives (tribute to 10th anniversary of the L. S. Vygotsky Psychology Institute).
2004 V Чтений памяти Л.С.Выготского
2004 The fifth L.S.Vygotsky Memorial Conference (2004)
1994 International Conference on L. S. Vygotsky and the Contemporary Human Sciences, Moscow , September 5-8, 1994
2009 Translation of Classics in Language and Cognition: Лев С. Выготский 1896-1934 – Мышление и речь (1934), Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (Dr. Gabriel HONG)
Психологическая наука и образование
Культурно-историческая психология
Московский психотерапевтический журнал
Экспериментальная психология
PsyJournals: Портал психологических изданий (English)
2004 The Essential Vygotsky (Vienna Circle Collection) by Robert W. Rieber (Editor), David K. Robinson (Editor) Dordrecht: Springer; 1 edition (July 22, 2004) 500 pages (Hardcover - Jul 22, 2004) Buy new: $89.95 27 Used & new from $64.35
Problems of General Psychology, including the Volume Thinking and Speech. Vol. 1.
Общая психология. Тексты. Том 1. Введение Твердый переплет (2001)
Общая психология. Тексты. Том 2. Субъект деятельности. Книга 1 Твердый переплет (2002)
1994 The Vygotsky Reader. Ed. René Van Der Veer and Jaan Valsiner.
1978 Mind in Society: Development of Higher Psychological Processes by L. S. Vygotsky (Author), Michael Cole (Editor), Vera John-Steiner (Editor), Sylvia Scribner (Editor), Ellen Souberman (Editor) Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1978. 159 pages (Paperback - Mar 7, 1978) Buy new: $21.00 $16.38 47 Used & new from $14.00
Collected Works. 6 Vols. Dordrecht : Springer.
1987 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах + доп. том. Дополнительный том Букинистическое издание (1987)
1982 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 1 Букинистическое издание (1982)
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 1
1982 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах . Том 2 Букинистическое издание (1982)
1982 Выготский Л.С. Собрание сочинений: В 6-ти т. Т. 2.rar [700 Кб/3,7Мб]
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах . Том 2
1983 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3 Букинистическое издание (1983)
Выготский Л.С. Собрание сочинений: В 6-ти т. Т. З.rar [322 Кб/2,4Мб]
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3
1984 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 4 Букинистическое издание (1984)
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 4
1983 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 5 Букинистическое издание (1983)
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 5
1984 Л. С. Выготский Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 6 Букинистическое издание (1984)
Л. С. Выготский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 6
1987 The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky, Volume 1 - Problems of General Psychology by Robert W. Reiber and Aaron S. Carton (Hardcover - 1987)
1993 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Volume 2: Fundamentals of Defectology (Abnormal Psychology and Learning Disabilities) (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by L.S. Vygotsky, Robert W. Rieber, and Aaron S. Carton (Hardcover - Jan 31, 1993) Buy new: $185.00 $146.94 27 Used & new from $110.00
2002 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Volume 2: Fundamentals of Defectology (Abnormal Psychology and Learning Disabilities) by L. S. (Author) Knox, Jane E. (Author) Stevens, Carol B. (Author) Vygotskii (Paperback - 2002)
1980 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : Volume 3: Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by L.S. Vygotsky (Hardcover - 1980)
1997 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky : Volume 3: Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by L.S. Vygotsky (Paperback - 1997)
1997 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Volume 4: The History of the Development of Higher Mental Functions (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by Robert W. Rieber, Joseph Glick, and Marie J. Hall (Hardcover - Mar 31, 1997) Buy new: $149.00 17 Used & new from $144.95
1998 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Volume 5: Child Psychology (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by Robert W. Rieber and Marie J. Hall (Hardcover - Jan 31, 1998) Buy new: $119.00 29 Used & new from $92.21
1999 The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: Volume 6: Scientific Legacy (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics) by L.S. Vygotsky, Robert W. Rieber, and Marie J. Hall (Hardcover - April 30, 1999) Buy new: $129.00 $102.77 22 Used & new from $93.00
Edited Works:
Selected Individual Works:
1934. Thought and Language. Ed. and trans. Eugenia Hanfmann and Gertrude Vakar.
Russian: 1934*, 1956, 1982, 1996*, 1999-*
English: Hanfmann & Vakar (1962), Alex Kozulin (1986)
Japanese: 柴田 義松 (1962), 柴田 義松 (2001)*
Deutsch: Gerhard Sewekow & Johannes Helm (1964), Luckmann & Helen (1986) Lompscher & Rückriem (2002)*
Brazilian: 1964
Italian: 1966, Luciano Meccaci (1990)*
Hungarian: 1967
Polnish: 1971
Czech: 1971
Danish: 1971
Rumanian: 1972
Spanish: 1973? 1977
French: 1980, François Sève (1997)
Finish: 1982
Chinese: Li (1997), Hong (forthcoming)*
Vygotsky Internet Archive (Marxists.Org)
Selected Individual Works:
Thinking and Speaking (1934)
Play and its Role in the Mental Development of the Child (1933)
On the Problem of the Psychology of the Actor's Creative Work (1932)
Adolescent Pedagogy (1931)
Mind and Society (1930)
Primitive Man and his Behaviour (c.1930)
The Socialist Alteration of Man (1930)
The Fundamental Problems of Defectology (1929)
The Problem of the Cultural Development of the Child (1929)
The Historical Meaning of the Crisis in Psychology (1927)
Educational Psychology (1926)
Consciousness as a Problem of Behaviour (1925)
The Psychology of Art (1925)
2007 Daniels, Harry, Michael Cole, and James V. Wertsch, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky. $91.00 $84.18 24 Used & new from $61.52
2003 Kozulin, Alex, Boris Gindis, Vladimir S. Ageyev, and Suzanne M. Miller, eds. Vygotsky's Educational Theory in Cultural Context (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives).
1999 Lloyd, Peter, ed. Lev Vygotsky: Critical Assessments. 4 Vols.
1996 Tryphon, Anastasia, and Jacques Vonèche, eds. Piaget - Vygotsky: The Social Genesis Of Thought. Psychology Press, ; 1 edition (November 1, 1996). 224 pages Buy new: $53.95 $37.77 11 Used & new from $31.82
Selected Individual Works:
2005 Daniels, Harry. An Introduction to Vygotsky.
2004 Pass, Susan. Parallel Paths to Constructivism: Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Information Age Publishing (Paperback - Dec 2004). 164 pages Buy new: $39.99 21 Used & new from $39.98
2001 Wink, Joan, and LeAnn G. Putney. A Vision of Vygotsky.
1999 Kozulin, Alex. Vygotsky's Psychology: A Biography of Ideas.
1998 Asmolov, Alexander G. & James Wertsch Vygotsky Today: On the Verge of Non-Classical Psychology (Horizons in Psychology). Nova Science Publishers (Hardcover - October 1998). 106 pages Buy new: $85.00 7 Used & new from $67.99
1997 Frawley, Willaim. Vygotsky and Cognitive Science: Language and the Unification of the Social and Computational Mind.
1994 Van Der Veer, René, and Jaan Valsiner. Understanding Vygotsky: A Quest for Synthesis.
1991 Ratner, Carl. Vygotsky's Sociohistorical Psychology and Its Contemporary Applications (Cognition and Language: A Series in Psycholinguistics).
1986 Wertsch, James V. Culture, Communication, and Cognition: Vygotskian Perspectives.
1985 Wertsch, James V. Vygotsky and the Social Formation of Mind.
Benson, Alexis: Review and Analysis of Vygotsky's Thought and Language
Blunden, Andy:
Vygotsky and the Dialectical Method
The Vygotsky School
Funderstanding: Vygotsky and Social Cognition
Holborow, Marnie: Putting the Social Back into Language Marx, Volosinov and Vygotsky Reexamined
Studies in Language and Capitalism 1 (2007): .
Kearsley, Greg: Social Development Theory (L. Vygotsky)
Kerr, Stephen T.: Why Vygotsky? The Role of Theoretical Psychology in Russian Education Reform
Nicholl, Trish: Vygotsky
Paparella, Emanuel L.: Lev Semenovich Vygotsky: Thought, Language, and Children at Play Ovi Magazine April 21, 2008
Paradigme Perdu: la Linguistique Marriste Cahiers de l'ILSL 24 (2008) [Special Issue on Volosinov, Vygotsky, et al.]
Piaget, Jean: Comments on Vygotsky's Thinking and Speaking (1962)
Riddle, Elizabeth M.: Vygotsky's Social Development Theory
Shutz, Ricardo: Vygotsky and Language Acquisition
Wertsch, James: Beyond the Individual-Social Antimony in Discussions of Piaget and Vyotsky
Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Lev Vygotsky
Hungary : Tool and Sign Vygotskian Research Network