воскресенье, 22 февраля 2009 г.

Educational Psychology

1926 Educational Psychology

Works of Lev Vygotsky


“... People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls.”

Written: 1926;

Source: Educational Psychology. L. S. Vygotsky. Introduced by V.V. Davydov;

Translated by: Robert Silverman;

Published: St. Lucie Press, Florida, 1992;

Transcribed: Andy Blunden;

Of the 19 chapters, only chapters 12 and 13 are reproduced here;

This book was written as a practical manual for teachers, while Vygotsky was working at the Institute of Psychology at Moscow University, in 1926, before beginning the experimental work which led to the formulation of his celebrated ideas on human development.

1. Pedagogics and Psychology

2. The Concept of Behavior and Reaction

3. The most important Laws of Higher Nervous Activity in Man

4. Biological and Social factors in Education

5. The Instincts as the Subject, Mechanism and Means of Education

6. Education and Emotional Behavior

7. Psychology and Pedagogics of Education

8. Reinforcement and Recollection of Reaction

9. Thinking as an Especially Complex form of Behavior

10. Psychological Understanding of Occupational Education

11. Social Behavior and the Child's Development

12. Ethical Behavior

13. Aesthetic Behavior

14. Exercise and Fatigue

15. Abnormal Behavior

16. Temperament and Character

17. The Problem of Giftedness

18. Basic Forms of Investigations of the Personality of the Child

19. Psychology and the Teacher

Marxism and Psychology | Vygotsky Archive

Makarenko Archive | M.I.A.