Dorothy Robbins has a B.A. from the University of Arkansas in Sociology and Philosophy, M.A. from the University of Heidelberg, Germany in German and Spanish, and Ph.D from the University of Frankfurt, Germany in second language acquisition. During this time she worked and studied Paulo Freire. She then spent a year at LondonUniversity, studying with H. G. Widdowson and B. Bernstein. In 1987, Jim Lantolf introduced her to the works of L. S. Vygotsky, and in 1993 she met A. A. Leontiev at a conference for professors of German at Leipzig, Germany. She then became interested in Russian psycholinguistics, with visits to Moscow, where she got to know A. A. Leontiev better. In 1999, she received a senior Fulbright Fellowship, and worked at A. A. Leontiev's Tolstoy Institute of Foreign Languages, which was housed in Davydov's School 91. During this stay she started working with Kravtsova Elena Evgenievna, Director of The L.S.VygotskyPsychologyInstitute, RussianStateUniversity for the Humanities in Moscow. She also spent time with Dr. Kravtsova's GoldenKeySchool team in Moscow, Belaya Kalytva, Azov, Krasnayarsk. She is on the board of the L. S. Vygotsky Society. Robbins also works with an orphanage in Vyschgorod, 120 km. west of Moscow.
Her books include:
2008 Editor of a series of books called Perspectives in Non-Classical Russian Psychology. Contract signed by Frank Columbus, Nova Science Publishers.