суббота, 13 июня 2009 г.

Vygotsky Archive

Lev Vygotsky Archive



“‘Marxist’ psychology ... is developing before our eyes, ... it does not yet have its own methodology and attempts to find it ready-made in the haphazard psychological statements of the founders of Marxism, not to mention the fact that to find a ready-made formula of the mind in the writings of others would mean to demand ‘science before science itself.”. Consciousness as a problem in the psychology of behavior.


Obituary by Alexander Luria, 1935

Image Gallery


The methods of reflexological and psychological investigation, based on his January 1924 presentation to the 2nd All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology. 

The Psychology of Art, (written 1917) 1925

Consciousness as a problem in the Psychology of Behavior, 1925

Educational Psychology, 1926

Historical meaning of the crisis in Psychology, 1927

The Problem of the Cultural Development of the Child, 1929

The Fundamental Problems of Defectology, 1929

The Socialist alteration of Man, 1930

The Instrumental Method in Psychology, 1930

Primitive Man and his Behavior, c. 1930

Adolescent Pedagogy, 1931

On the Problem of the Psychology of the Actor’s Creative Work, 1932

Play and its role in the Mental development of the Child, 1933

Thinking and Speech, 1934

Tool and symbol in child development, 1934

The Problem of Consciousness, 1934

The Problem of Age, 1934

The Vygotsky Reader, from Leiden University


Subject Archive: 

Vygotsky on Literature and Art

Table of Contents for L S Vygotsky’s Collected Works

The “Vygotsky School”:

A N Leontyev Archive

A R Luria Archive

Alexander Meshcheryakovov Archive

Feliks Mikhailov Archive

Evald Ilyenkov Archive

Further reading:

Lev Vygostsky – Revolutionary Scientist, Fred Newman and Lois Holzman

Comment on Vygostsky's Thinking and Speaking, Jean Piaget 1962

Methods for investigating concepts, Leonid Sakharov 1928

Lectures on the Work of the Cerebral Hemisphere, Pavlov, 1924

The Development of the Child, A R Luria, 1930

The Construction of Reality in the Child, Jean Piaget, 1955

Vygotsky and the Dialectical Method, Andy Blunden 1997

The Vygotsky School, Andy Blunden 2001

Archive maintained by Andy Blunden.


четверг, 11 июня 2009 г.

Mohamed Elhammoumi

Mohamed Elhammoumi (1956-) Publications

1997 Socio-historicocultural psychology : Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, 1896-1934 : Bibliographical Notes / Mohamed Elhammoumi (1956-) Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c1997 0-7618-0648-2 alk. Paper /國家圖書館 / 國立屏東教育大學 / 臺灣大學 /國科會補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫 / 總圖1F一般/人社參考書區 / Ref Z8946.82.V94 E44 1997 / 限館內閱覽


The Collected Works of Lev S. Vygotsky

Vygotsky’s Writings in Psychological Abstracts

International Symposium on Vygotsky’s Thought

Special Issues of Journals Devoted to Vygotsky’s Thought

Discussion of the Works of Lev. S. Vygotsky in Russia and Former USSR, USA, Netherland, Switzerland, France, Italy, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Spain, England, Germany, Japan, Hungary, Yogoslavia, Argentina, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Finland, Deenmark, Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Czechosklovakia, South Africa, Israel, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Poland, Belgium, India, Scotland, Egypt, Protugal

Discussion of the Works of Lev. S. Vygotsky in China / Taiwan? (Missing!)

The Intellectual Roots of Lev S. Vygotsky

Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934 -- Bibliography

Psychology -- Soviet Union -- History -- Bibliography

Psychological Theory -- USSR -- Bibliography

Political Systems -- USSR -- Bibliography

Psychology, Social -- USSR -- Bibliography

2006 Critical perspectives on activity : explorations across education, work, and everyday life / edited by Peter H. Sawchuk, Newton Duarte, Mohamed Elhammoumi. / New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006. / xv, 295 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. / 9780521849999 (hardback) /臺灣大學圖書館 /  HM1011 C75 2006 / 總圖4F科技資料區

Includes bibliographical references (p. 269-292) and index

Introduction : Exploring activity across education, work, and everyday life / Peter H. Sawchuk, Newton Duarte, and Mohamed Elhammoumi

-- Is there a Marxist psychology? / Mohamed Elhammoumi

-- The cultural-historical activity theory : some aspects of development / Joachim Lompscher

-- Epistemological scepticism, complacent irony : investigations concerning the neo-pragmatism of Richard Rorty / Maria Célia Marcondes de Moraes

-- The importance of play in pre-school education : naturalisation versus a Marxist analysis / Alessandra Arce

-- Estranged labor learning / Ray McDermott and Jean Lave

-- "Our working conditions are our students' learning conditions" : a CHAT analysis of College Teachers / Helena Worthen and Joe Berry

 -- Contradictory class relations in work and learning : some resources for hope / D.W. Livingstone

-- From labor process to activity theory / Paul S. Adler

 -- Values, rubbish, and workplace learning / Yrjö Engeström

-- Education as mediation between the individual's everyday life and the historical construction of society and culture by humankind / Newton Duarte

-- Activity and power : everyday life and development of working-class groups / Peter H. Sawchuk

среда, 10 июня 2009 г.

Colette Murphy

Dr Colette Murphy



 BSc, MSc(Ed), MEd, PhD, ILTM  
Senior Lecturer

Room 103
69/71 University Street

School of Education
Queen's University Belfast

Tel   +44 (0)28 9097 5953
Fax   +44 (0)28 9097 5066


PGCE Science / Biology

PGCE Learning Theory

Master’s modules / part modules: Issues in Science Education; Cognitive Psychology; Evaluation of ICT in Learning and Teaching


Research/Scholarship Interests

Vygotsky: life and work; coteaching and cogenerative dialogue; science education. Please contact me if interested in PhD research in these areas.

Research/Scholarship Projects

Improving Primary Science (several projects 2002-2008): AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust (£250,000)

Primary Horizons: (2005) Wellcome Trust (£45,000)

Student Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences of History, Geography and Science: An All-Ireland Survey (2005-2008): SCoTENS (£25,000)

Some Recent Journal Publications

Murphy, C., Carlisle, K and Beggs, J (2008, December) Can they go it alone? Addressing criticisms of coteaching. Cultural Studies in Science Education

Scantlebury, K. and Murphy, C. (2008, December) Maria Edgeworth: Nineteenth century Irish female pioneer of science education. Irish Educational Studies

Murphy, C and Carlisle, K (2008) Situating relational ontology and transformative activist stance within the ‘everyday’ practice of coteaching and cogenerative dialogue. Cultural Studies in Science Education, 3: 493-506

Murphy, C., Neil, P. and Beggs, J (2007) Primary science teacher confidence revisited: 10 years on. Educational Research 49 (4): 415-430

Murphy, C., and Kilfeather, P., and Murphy, C (2007) An exploration of issues surrounding teaching the nature of science to pre-service primary school teachers. Irish Educational Studies, Vol 26, No 1: 27-38

Waldron, F., Pike, S., Varley, J., Greenwood, R., Murphy, C and Murphy, C (2007) Student teachers’ prior experiences of history, geography and science: Initial findings of an all-Ireland survey. Irish Educational Studies, Vol 26, No 2: 177-194

Greenwood, J.G., Greenwood, J.D., McCullagh, J.F., Beggs, J. and Murphy, C. (2007) A survey of sidedness in Northern Irish schoolchildren: the interaction of sex, age and task. Laterality, 12 (1) 1-18

Murphy, C, Ambusaidi, A and Beggs, J (2006) Middle East meets West: comparing children’s attitudes to science, International Journal of Science Education 28 (4) 405-422

Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2006) Co-teaching as an Approach to Enhance Science Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools. The Science Education Review, 5(2) 63.1 – 63.10

Murphy, C & Beggs, J (2006) Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in Implementing Coteaching Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(4), Art. 20. Available at: http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs-texte/4-06/06-4-20-e.htm  PDF

Kerr, K., Beggs, J. and Murphy, C (2006) Comparing children’s and student teachers’ ideas about science concepts. Irish Educational Studies, 25 (3) 289-302

Hickey, I, Murphy, C. Beggs, J. Carlisle, K (2005) Murder in the Classroom Primary Science Review 90, 6-8

Murphy, C., Beggs, J. and Carlisle, K. (2004) Students as ‘catalysts’ in the classroom: the impact of co-teaching between science student teachers and primary classroom teachers on children’s enjoyment and learning of science. International Journal of Science Education . 26 (8) pp. 1023-1035

Galanouli, D, Murphy, C. and Gardner, J. (2004) Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of ICT-competence training. Computers and Education 43 63-79

Equality Awareness in Teacher Education and Training in Northern Ireland / Summary Report / March 2004

Murphy, C and Beggs J (2003) Primary pupils’ and teachers’ use of computers at home and school. British Journal of Educational Technology 34, 1, 79-85

Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2003) Children’s perceptions of school science. School Science Review 84 (308) 109-116

Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2002) Ten years of compulsory science: a study of children’s attitudes. Irish Educational Studies 21(2) 13-24

Murphy, C., Beggs, J., Hickey, I., O’Meara, J. and Sweeney, J. (2001) National Curriculum: Compulsory school science – is it improving scientific literacy? Educational Research  43, 2 , 189-199

Murphy, C and Greenwood, L (1998) Effective Integration of Communication and Information Technology in Teacher Education.  Journal of Information Technology in Teacher Education, 7 (3) 413-429

New Methodologies for preparing science and maths teachers / Colette Murphy, Queen’s University and Jim Beggs, St Mary’s College, Belfast


Visit in Taiwan 2006 Feb.13-14

Visit in Taiwan 2006 Feb.13-14科學師資專業知能發展國際學術研討會(花蓮場次) 【國際學者專題演講】 

主講人:Masakazu Goto  National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Japan    題:A Science Teacher's Journey to Research and Teachers' Education

主講人:Stephen M. Ritchie Queensland University of Technology Australia   題:Transitional Encounters for Pre-service Science Teachers

主講人:Colette Murphy Queen’s University Belfast   題:Computer-Conferencing In Coteaching 

主講人:Kenneth Tobin The Graduate Center of CUNY  題:Uses Of Co-Generative Dialogue To Create Socially And Culturally Adaptive Classrooms And Distributed Responsibility For Teaching And Learning


2007 科學教師之路-由實習輔導到專業成長 / 郭重吉主編;C. Murphy、五島政一、王美芬等著(譯) / 出版日期:2007/05/22 / ISBN9789861910246 / 頁數:392 / 心理出版社

第三部分 展望與規劃

第十二章 視訊會議在共同教學上的應用Colette Murphy著/古智雄譯/郭重吉、譚寧君審稿

воскресенье, 7 июня 2009 г.


Puzyrei, Andrei. А.А.Пузырей.  1986 / 2005. Психология. Психотехника. Психагогика. Смысл. Psychology, Psychotechnics, Psychagogy. 488 страниц, 300 руб.

2007 Vygotsky and the Third Way (Path) of Psychology: Writings of A. A. Puzyrei.  Journal of Russian & East Euopean Psychology. Vol. 45, No. 1, January – February 2007
