BSc, MSc(Ed), MEd, PhD, ILTM
Senior Lecturer
69/71 University Street
School of Education
Queen's University
Tel +44 (0)28 9097 5953
Fax +44 (0)28 9097 5066
PGCE Science / Biology
PGCE Learning Theory
Master’s modules / part modules: Issues in Science Education; Cognitive Psychology; Evaluation of ICT in Learning and Teaching
Research/Scholarship Interests
Vygotsky: life and work; coteaching and cogenerative dialogue; science education. Please contact me if interested in PhD research in these areas.
Research/Scholarship Projects
Improving Primary Science (several projects 2002-2008): AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust (£250,000)
Primary Horizons: (2005) Wellcome Trust (£45,000)
Student Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences of History, Geography and Science: An All-Ireland Survey (2005-2008): SCoTENS (£25,000)
Some Recent Journal Publications
Murphy, C.,
Scantlebury, K. and Murphy, C. (2008, December) Maria Edgeworth: Nineteenth century Irish female pioneer of science education. Irish Educational Studies
Murphy, C and
Murphy, C., Neil, P. and Beggs, J (2007) Primary science teacher confidence revisited: 10 years on. Educational Research 49 (4): 415-430
Murphy, C., and Kilfeather, P., and Murphy, C (2007) An exploration of issues surrounding teaching the nature of science to pre-service primary school teachers. Irish Educational Studies, Vol 26, No 1: 27-38
Waldron, F., Pike, S., Varley, J., Greenwood, R., Murphy, C and Murphy, C (2007) Student teachers’ prior experiences of history, geography and science: Initial findings of an all-Ireland survey. Irish Educational Studies, Vol 26, No 2: 177-194
Murphy, C, Ambusaidi, A and Beggs, J (2006)
Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2006) Co-teaching as an Approach to Enhance Science Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools. The Science Education Review, 5(2) 63.1 – 63.10
Murphy, C & Beggs, J (2006) Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in Implementing Coteaching Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 7(4), Art. 20. Available at: PDF
Kerr, K., Beggs, J. and Murphy, C (2006) Comparing children’s and student teachers’ ideas about science concepts. Irish Educational Studies, 25 (3) 289-302
Hickey, I, Murphy, C. Beggs, J. Carlisle, K (2005) Murder in the Classroom Primary Science Review 90, 6-8
Murphy, C., Beggs, J. and
Galanouli, D, Murphy, C. and Gardner, J. (2004) Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of ICT-competence training. Computers and Education 43 63-79
Murphy, C and Beggs J (2003) Primary pupils’ and teachers’ use of computers at home and school. British Journal of Educational Technology 34, 1, 79-85
Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2003) Children’s perceptions of school science. School Science Review 84 (308) 109-116
Murphy, C and Beggs, J (2002) Ten years of compulsory science: a study of children’s attitudes. Irish Educational Studies 21(2) 13-24
Murphy, C., Beggs, J., Hickey,
Murphy, C and
Visit in Taiwan 2006 Feb.13-14
Visit in Taiwan 2006 Feb.13-14科學師資專業知能發展國際學術研討會(花蓮場次) 【國際學者專題演講】
主講人:Masakazu Goto (National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Japan) 講 題:A Science Teacher's Journey to Research and Teachers' Education
主講人:Colette Murphy (Queen’s University Belfast) 講 題:Computer-Conferencing In Coteaching
主講人:Kenneth Tobin (The Graduate Center of CUNY)講 題:Uses Of Co-Generative Dialogue To Create Socially And Culturally Adaptive Classrooms And Distributed Responsibility For Teaching And Learning
2007 科學教師之路-由實習輔導到專業成長 / 郭重吉主編;C. Murphy、五島政一、王美芬等著(譯) / 出版日期:
第三部分 展望與規劃
第十二章 視訊會議在共同教學上的應用Colette Murphy著/古智雄譯/郭重吉、