суббота, 20 февраля 2010 г.

Tool & Symbol








中文版的翻譯(蔡敏玲 陳正乾合譯)是直接翻譯自英文版。


n 翻譯與翻譯自翻譯

n 心理學大師的條件:在理論上提出創新的見解,在方法學上,提出克服研究人類心智上所遭遇到之問題的方法

n 大師理論的詮釋者

n 了解維高斯基理論的基本入門


n 必須分析三個議題

1). 人與環境之間的關係是什麼?

2). 哪些新形式的活動使勞動成為聯繫人與自然的基 本方式?這些新形式的活動導致哪些心理後果?

3). 工具使用和語言發展之間的關係具有什麼樣的性 質?


n 將兒童類比為植物

q 成熟論

q Karl Stumpf, Gesell

q 成熟只不過是一個次要的因素

q 行為是由一種形式經歷複雜、質的轉化而成為另一種形式

n 將兒童類比為動物

q 人類在工具與符號的使用上如何不同於動物的行為

q 實用智力


n 人類創造出服號與工具來適應環境

n …… the most significant moment in the course of intellectual development, which gives birth to the purely human forms of practical and abstract intelligence, occurs when speech and practical activity, two previously completely independent lines of development, converge.


n 辯証取向(dialectical approaches) :承認自然對人類影響的同時,也主張人會影響自然,並透過人對自然所做的改變來創造出一個適合於他生存的自然條件。

n 反對自然取向的觀點,其認為只有自然影響人類,並且只有自然的條件決定歷史的發展。


n 工具和符號的使用如何在兒童的文化發展上是相互關聯,但同時又是分離的。

n 從三種情況來探討這個問題

q 工具與符號之間的類比和共同點

q 工具與符號之間的不同處

q 證實工具與符號在心理上真實的關連

Mediated activity



n 它門引導人類行為的方式不同。

n 工具是外在導向的,是人類影響活動目標(the object of activity)的執行者,它勢必導致目標的改變

n 符號是內在導向的,它完全不會改變一個心理運作所持有的目標(changes nothing in the object of a psychological operation) ,它是個體控制她自己的一種內在活動的手段。




n 巴夫洛夫將制約反應比喻為,電話的交換機

n 維高斯基認為,我們必須將「接線生」的功能放進電話交換機的比喻裡。

n 因為,我們在分析這個過程所獲得的重要啟示也可以透過相同的比喻,但是卻是以一種更為概括性的型態來表達。而這個過程正是符號創造的基礎。(The fundamental message of our analysis of the processes that underlie the creation of signs (singalization) may be expressed by a more generalized form of the same metaphor.) .52/75


n 在維高斯基的概念裡,工具不是…………


n 新的研究取向需要建立起新的研究方法

n 必須符合辯證取向的概念

n 當今心理學的研究方法都是建立在刺激 反應的架構上

n …closer examination of the different between schools of psychology reveals that those differences arise out of the theoretical interpretation psychologists wants to assign to the consequences of various stimulating environments and not out of variations in the general methodological approach within which observation are made.


n … adequately only to the study of elementary processes of a psychological character. The higher psychological functions did not allow study in this form and thus remained a close book as far as experimental psychology was concerned.

n ….only determine quantitative variation in the complexity of stimuli and in the responses of different animals and humans at different stages of development.





Analyzing process, not objects

n …..requires a dynamic display of the main points making up the processes’ history

n Any psychological process, whether the development of thought or voluntary behavior, is a process undergoing changes right before one’s eyes.

n …. experimental-developmental [method]… that it artificially provokes or creates a process of psychological development.

n …..basic task of research obviously becomes a reconstruction of each stage in the development of the process…….back to its initial stages.

explanation versus description

n ….phenomenological analysis v.s. genotypic analysis

n 例如,鯨魚屬於哺乳類

n …..though two types of activity can have the same external manifestation, whether in origin or essence, their nature may differ most profoundly

The problem of ‘fossilized behavior’

n …. processes that have gone through a very long stage of historical development and have become fossilized.

n rudimentary functions must be the point of departure for evolving a historical perspective in psychological experiments.

n The fossilized form is the end of the thread that ties the present to the past, the higher stages of development tp the primary ones.

n To study something historically means so study it in the process of change; ….the dialectical method’s basic demand.


n ……child development is a complex dialectical processes characterized by periodicity, unevenness in the development of different functions, metamorphosis or qualitative transformation of one form into another, intertwining of external and internal factors, and adaptive processes which overcome impediments that the child encounters.

The method of double stimulation

Experimental Study of Concept Development