суббота, 20 февраля 2010 г.

Deaf & Dumb Education

The fundamentals of defectology
(Abnormal psychology and Learning disabilities)

The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky volume 2



Overdevelopment, overcompensation

The sensation of having a defective organ constantly stimulates the individual’s psychological development

Overcompensation leads to the consciousness of superior health in a diseased organism, to the transformation of an inferiority into a superiority complex, a defect into giftedness and ability

Adaptation results from unfitness, from struggle, destruction, selection

Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

an Austrian medical doctor

individual psychology

inferiority complex


In 1904, at the age of 24, Keller graduated from Radcliffe, becoming the first deaf blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree


The early history of deaf education

Pavlov: All behavior consists of unconditional, hereditary reflexes and conditional reflexes acquired through individual experience

Educational process~ conditional reflexes

The process of training a conditional reflex will be the same in all cases.

Light = sound

Blind reading Braille = deaf reading lips = normal

àThe principles and the psychological mechanism of education are the same here as for a normal child

Education cannot impart to the organism any single completely new movement; it can only modify, reshape, and combine reactions which the organism already has at its command.

àA child’s drives or natural instincts cannot simply be prohibited and changed by a pedagogue.

In psychology and in pedagogy

The problem of a child’s handicap = a social problem

To educate this child means to set him back on the right course in life in the same way a dislocated or injured organ is reset.

In theory and in practical

Speech: part of the overall social life of a child

The path of speech development

Traditional system: speech died out

Unfavorable external conditions, without special instruction of speech before entering school

Mimed gesticulated skills > oral speech

àActive interest in speech has been killed

àLearning speech becomes a painfully arduous task

Preschool education
speech instruction

The exercises consist of children's first babbling which is preparatory to each new word and reading from the lips; simultaneously with it, the organs of speech -voice, breathing- are also working and developing in quite a natural way.

Mispronunciation, misarticulation, confusion of separate sounds

The natural method is just vice versa: from the complex to the simple elements of speech and their combining

Preschool education stages

The initial stage: automatism

K. Malisch (1860-1925) Reflex imitation and automatism of speech instruction

Speech must proceed sounds

àthe residual hearing is used and developed at the same time that voice and breathing are practiced

The later stage: reinforced, similar path to normal child

N. A. Rau (1870-1947)

The difference lies only in the means, the methods, and the amount of time

Synthetic lip reading

Speech (live oral speech): function of communication, an instrument of thought (speak mentally)

K. Malisch (1860-1925)

Austrian specialist in deaf education

Synthesis method of lip-reading whole words and phrases

Reflex imitation and automatism of speech instruction

Criticize from Vygotsky:

Inconsistencies in overcoming the short comings of the German analytical phonetic method

Select instructional material according to the degree of difficulty in pronunciation

àsimple technical reform the analytical phonetic method

N. A. Rau (1870-1947)

A Soviet specialist in deaf education

The founder of the first kindergarten for the deaf in Russia

Synthetic lip-reading: the connection is formed between concepts and the picture of lip movement and of the movement of the tongue

Preschool education of the deaf-mute child must be solidly grounded in live oral speech

Vygotsky was in complete solidarity with Rau

Primary school education_1

The same principles: logical living speech

Two methods: I. Golosov, I.A. Sokolianskii

1st method

I. Golosov

1910, Method: entire word

1923-1924, Experiments: 22 sounds

School-children can understand and can immediately use for communication in their surrounding milieu

Lip-reading, writing, articulation, and reading written language

Entire word method ~ ≠ K. Malisch

Judging by G. Leman in 1925

I. Golosov (?)

A teacher of the Moscow Institute for the deaf mute

First attempt to teach oral speech to the deaf-mute on the basis of whole words

Reading from face (lip-reading)

Vygotsky was in complete solidarity with Golosov

G. Leman (?)

Primary school education_2

The same principles: logical living speech

Two methods: I. Golosov, I.A. Sokolianskii

2nd method

I.A. Sokolianskii

1926, Lip-reading, words on the board, writing processing

speech becomes automatized

A phrase is given according to a prescribed order first by means of lip-reading accompanied by direct instruction (a natural mimed gesture)

Ex: Children, get up! Children, sit down.

No one method itself can solve the problem of oral speech development for a deaf-mute child

German analytical phonetic method

Implement cruelly


prohibition of mimicry

It is suitable for the instruction of pronunciation and articulation, but not for teaching speech because it results in totally useless speech

Education must be directed along the lines of the child’s interests, not contrary to them

It tears a deaf child away from the normal milieu, isolating and placing him in a narrow, closed-off world. His mental health and psychological condition become disordered and deteriorate

The new education system for deaf

In principle, there is no difference between the education of a normal and of a deaf child

Education: part of social life, and preparation for the child’s participation in this life.

Labor, society, and nature are the three fundamental channels which guide educational and formative work in school àwork-oriented school

The body of a deaf-mute varies very little from that of a normal person à full range of possibilities for physical development and the acquisition of skills and vocational aptiitudes

A child learns to see himself as a participant in life on a world scale

Ia. K. Tsveifel’s book (1931)

Only through labor and speech, only through social education in the truest and deepest sense of the word, can a deaf-mute child really overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of his development

Linder views a deaf child as

the being who stands at the first stage of human development

lack all cultural development because of the shortcomings in speech

Incapable of mental activity

Koehler, the differences between apes and humans

The existence of speech

A very limited life span

Old philosophers

As long as deaf-mute children lacked instruction on live speech, their gifts could not develop

The goal: as a fully-valued being

Reformulated the position on mimicry (sign language)

1931, “One must reevaluate the traditional theoretical and practical attitude toward the various individual forms of speech used by the deaf-mute, and above all toward mimicry”

Recognization of “sign language” as a valid auxiliary communicative system

à Polyglossia

My opinions

Language – thought

The initial stage: establishing the language ability

Education – Social problem

The problem is not only from deaf people, but also from so called normal people.

How does a hearing people communicate in place with 99% deaf signers?


Where is the mainstream for deaf people?


Different sign languages