суббота, 20 февраля 2010 г.

Cultural Development

1929 The Problem of the Cultural Development of the Child


Study Questions

1. What are the two basic developments of the child? Define them.

2. Can you use examples to show the differences between these two developments?

3. What is the difference between primitiveness and weak-mindness of a child?

4. Vygotsky speaks of “the problem” of the cultural development of the child. What does this Problem consists of?

5. What are the tasks of scientific investigation in the study of the cultural

development of the child?

6. Identify the tasks and explain.

7. What does language contribute to the cultural development of the child?

8. What do you mean by saying that our organic maturation plays the part of a condition rather than a motive power of the process of cultural development?

9. Why is the education of the psychogenesis of cultural forms of behavior of the child important?

10. What are the four main stages of cultural development of the child?

11. From the child’s cultural development what can we say about speech and reasoning?

12. Does the cultural development correspond to the development of speech and reasoning?

13. What is the method that Vygotsky used in this study?

14. Based on your understanding of what Vygotsky discussed in this paper, make an outline of this article.